A very disgruntled and exhausted-looking postal messenger asked me to deliver this postcard to you. He mumbled something about.. workhorse.. slave labor.. stingy money mongrels.. some other expletives I wouldn't dare repeat, and then he wandered off. Wonder what that was all about! Anyways, here's your mail! It looked important...
There is another new sim that has arrived to Starlust. Please welcome Starlust A La Mode on the sim of Bill http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bill/114/194/43
We are opening Bill on Friday, June 26th at 6PM SLT. Garbage Prototype of Random Fashions designed and built the sim of Bill
We've got a whole bunch of stores opening on Starlust:
Main Stores: Random Fashions A.Y.Y. Heartattack & Vine Karamia
EUGENE HAS FINALLY ARRIVED. I'm sure you've seen it sitting there.... I'm sure. Well, now you can visit him. Eugene is home to my new brand, epoque, and -RC- Cluster by her, Redd Columbia. I am very excited to debut the entire new line of products from epoque. Sunglasses, hair, and the BRAND new section, jewelry! Ma Petite Breloque. Come see the new stuff and enjoy the effing beautiful sim built by myself and Sylar Boyd.
Here are some credits because I love them:
Miabella Foxley, for making me pretty city objects and my apartment
Asuka Martin for the epic SL version of Rittenhouse Square
Redd Columbia for the cafe
Sofia Gray for being fierce at all times
Dot Chaffe for moral support
OMGWTF Barbecue for our EPIC logo
And Retro Lemon for being an epic best friend
I <3
Here is a link to my blog, and a SLurl to Eugene:
PS. My current VINTAGEwear locations ARE NO LONGER THERE. All VINTAGEwear items (excluding a select few that are available at Fashion Mode) are temorarily retired. Pleasepleaseplease don't ask me to buy them. You might see them again in the future, but they are no longer for sale.
Did you know the Starlust has a few residential spots?
(The Emerald viewer rocks in a multitude of ways, including the temp upload feature and the ability to set perms of things in the contents of objects en masse, and it also actually lets me turn on Atmospheric Shaders! I have to use them very sparingly and only for photos...but look! Actual pretty water!)
Nestled in the mountains above Area 408, there are a select few unique buildings for residences, overseen by our lovely Melatonin Hax. It's a pretty fantastic view from up there, looking over all of Starlustland (if you can up your draw distance! I keep mine super low except for photos, so I'm always even more amazed when I can see things).
We do request that visitors to Starlustland be respectful to those who choose to keep homes here, however we have been blessed with never having any problems to speak with so far, because, let's face it, the people who hang out at the Starlust are awesome.
A great little unisex t-shirt shop. 42 t-shirt color options, so you can find a shirt to match every outfit. The best part...there is a demo for all the colors so you can see if something is "your color" before buying it!
The hoodies from here have become a regular staple in my wardrobe. There is much more in this store such as: t-shirts, fun belts, novelty items and other accessories.
Why have a traditional "kick me" sign on your back when you can wear an adorable bunny backpack with a sign? Tons of skins and other cute accessories here also!
Schadenfreude Sakura Low Tables
Celebrate spring with flower shaped tables for Okinawa's Sakura Matsuri! 1
Land Impact each table, in three widths of short tables, each with 12 wood
(fd) For Uber September
This time around I made four new items for Uber. I really couldn’t
decide on just one aesthetic. I have a little something for everyone. A
cozy knit bo...
Knock, knock!
Last night I went to the Panic of Pumpkin trick or treating sim (SLURL here)
and picked up a number of cute things! It was fun to relax from
New and Past releases
Hello! I've neglected this blog for so long, I thought I should finally do
something about it. By looking at this blog you would think Tres Blah isn't
Smartfren Andromax Q
*Smartfren Andromax Q * - kali ini kami akan memberiakan informasi smartphone
terbaru Mengenai Smartfren Andromax Q . Ponsel ini memiliki spesifikasi
yang ...
Queen B & Hunny Wigs @ ZsaZsa's House of Beauty
Whoops, forgot to blog these mesh wigs darlings! Queen B is a rigged hair,
while Hunny is fully modifiable. Demos are available in my Tableau location!
The Starlust Monster Beach Party!
It’s almost time for the beaches of Twomoons Island to shut down – Winter
is coming after all. But it is NOT too late for you to visit the
awesome-sauce St...
Swirly Cones
Welcome folks, to the Albero + Cioccolata Gatcha Fest Part Deux, also known
as the TOSL Non-Fat Prim Food Feast. Keeping in tradition with my previous
Great Halloween Deal at *Sisters*..
Check out this great dress for only $10L at *Sisters*...
This is a lovely dark dress, perfect for that Morticia style I love at
If you need a sul...
Permanent mark downs at Pudge!
Real life gets in the way sometimes, as I'm sure you all know. Sometimes
that real life is spending more time with your husband and kids, dealing
with stre...
well, kinda. the main store is moving down the block in historic iron fist,
to the cavern of retail- uh boo this damned thing aint letting me upload
Playa's Playground
Spring is almost here. Flowers are in bloom, birds are chirping, vagrants
are lounging around lazily outside your local 7-11 mini mart taking in the
Fashionably Strung Out
Have you ever wanted to look like a coked out, greasy haired, rock star
chick? Well today is your day, my friend! this hair is called "Fashionably