We don't really have a name for the area in the middle of Floyd, the foothills of Mount Lolita covered in giant plants. I call it
the garden (which occasionally gets "wait, where?" in response).
Originally there were 13 flowers planted on the slopes of Lolita, brought into being by Apatia Hammerer, Melatonin Hax, and myself; as each of us created some of the flowers until we hit our desired number- they almost built themselves, unlike most builds where I sit there and worry and plan and try to figure out how to work (I obsess. It's a character flaw). Well, two of mine aren't really flowers, per se, but carnivorous plants, as I have a bit of a soft spot for them (though, sadly, not the climate to grow them, as my venus flytraps and my pitcher plants have never lasted more than a season, regardless of the terrariums I try to set up for them). I'll let you in on a secret- the pitcher plant is my favourite. It's also the one with the most ridiculous traffic flow, having to climb up and down to get into it!

I shall momentarily single out one store in particular- usually I try to avoid much of that in the broad tours when covering a larger area because then I'd never finish, however Aisuru Rieko of Beloved Designs, not only
chose the pitcher plant of the ridiculous way of getting in and out, she also helped out when the garden was replanted- first providing the adorable temporary booths of bowling pins and balls, as well as adding a few of her own creations for buildings when the garden expanded.

When the garden was originally planted, the Starlustland sign wasn't around- it only ended up coming into being one day I was working on Horst, before any of it was open to the public. I think, for some reason, it was the bra that brought it about (maybe because of some cognitive leap that involved Frederick's of Hollywood as one of the steps? I don't know, I just know that it seemed fitting and wanted to see it happen). When the mountain was (finally- if you visited Horst in the interim, you know that it sat there near the bra for a while, though it was always planned to move to Lolita once we terraformed for it) carved out to create a place for the sign, the garden expanded beyond the original 13 to include mushrooms, a potted onion, crate, watering can, wheelbarrow, and the barn. I find it a bit more fun to walk around in now, too, with little pathways hanging precariously off the edge.
Currently tending our garden:
Scribble, with cute clothing and funthings
i love 13, with imaginative inventive jewelry and floofy dresses
Beloved Designs, with quirky and adorable landscaping
77 Degrees, with pretty hats
Chaoslotus, with adorable jewelry
Picnic, with sweet garden and home items
Fresh Baked Goods, with candy coated jewelry
RC Cluster, with novelty items that make you cooler
Tousled, with cute girly hair
Hang the DJ, with casuals for men and women
Fresh Trash, with great clothing basics for girls
[CRAP], {BOUTIQUE}, Punch Drunk, and Fawn Fotherington Hair, all sharing a space in the barn, with clothing and hair spanning a few genres (you know I'm totally pulling all these adjectives out of my ass anyway, right? If you said "oh, I like _insert type of thing here_, I could tell you where to go, but I'm not good for coming up with the right types of descriptives! Also, yes, I overuse cute and adorable and fun, but, well, they all are, so....)
Kandy Kitty, with the most appropriate couch for smoochin' ever
Nimia store, with vintage and unusual clothing