Sunday, May 26, 2013

Goodnight Twomoons

Goodnight Twomoons - Pig

Twomoons Island is sinking into the Linden Sea, so the Starlusters loaded into boats (mine was shaped like an elephant, of course.  And flopsie just rode a giant shark, did away with the whole need for a boat entirely) and sailed to a new home, on Nouveau.  It was a bit of a rushed move, we didn't get a whole lot of warning before things started going pear-shaped- the earth swallowed up the Pig statue, and another giant shark just flat out ate SMERSH whole. That shark isn't a very nice one.

Goodnight Twomoons - Shark

Our new home on Nouveau is quite comfy though, with our new neighbor lassitude&ennui in a big ruined castle.

settled in on nouveau

And flopsie is letting her new shark companion/transportation live on top of SMERSH for now. He was a bit tired of being wet and chilly all the time, wanted to get a bit of sun.

nouveau twomoons shark

Nouveau is the new home to ~silentsparrow~, Pig, Miss Shippe's Studio, SMERSH, Fox in the Snow, and Schadenfreude!



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Nathalie said...

I love that everyone found such creative ways to escape Twomoons Island.

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