I was so busy putting together things with other people's goodies, I forgot some of mine. Whoops. But here's some of the trick or treat haul at the Starlust!
Pig, Miss Shippe's Studio, Schadenfreude (not from trick or treating: hair by Clawtooth, jeans by tres blah, skin&eyes by Schadenfreude, poses by TERHO)
~silentsparrow~, Saturnine Dreams, Stinkeye, and Schadenfreude (not from trick or treating: hair by lamb, shoes by lassitude&ennui, skin&eyes by Schadenfreude, pose by TERHO)
Saturnine Dreams and ~silentsparrow~ (not from trick or treating: hair by lamb, shoes by lassitude&ennui, jeans by tres blah, skin and eyes by Schadenfreude)
Saturnine Dreams, Miss Shippe's Studio and ~silentsparrow~ (not from trick or treating: hair by Clawtooth, skin&eyes by Schadenfreude, pose by TERHO)
Get your house list at the lobby!
Schadenfreude Sakura Low Tables
Celebrate spring with flower shaped tables for Okinawa's Sakura Matsuri! 1
Land Impact each table, in three widths of short tables, each with 12 wood
1 week ago