There's a sale at Pig. Everything is 50L. Fatpacks are all discounted to random numbers. I don't know when the sale is going to end (I don't think ANYONE knows when the sale is going to end, including our fair Apatia), so you might wanna get your ass thataways soon. Pig is great for things to clothe your paper doll girlie and your manvatar, good and beautiful hand drawn staples. And underwear.

Special thanks to Achariya for being the lovely manthing I could molest there, and for taking the pictures with her/him in them, as I got to see her as naked manRuth, which was not exactly what I was going for <3
on him:

Ascot: Pig Fancy Ascot in butter
Vest: Pig draped vest in F'kin Pink
Cardigan: Pig Cardigan narcissus black
Shirt: Pig logo polo in red
Socks: Pig Argyle Socks M. Suspender in Thad S
Jeans: DP**yumyum BF jeans
Skin: Muism Aaron Shoreditch A1 Bald
Shoes: Picnic panu shoes in black
Glasses: Reek Aeroplane Shades for guys
Tape: SiniStyle Taped Fingers
on me:

Shirt: Pig Dollinger Tank in Green
Shorts: Pig Fragilidad Shorts in Gunmetal
Boots: Lassitude & Ennui Thecla in black
Wings: Scribble Nevermore Wings
Tail: Mutation Industries Unicorn Avatar
Armwarmers: ~silentsparrow~ Corbie Suite Gloves in lime
Tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ fledermaus tattoos
The rest: assorted Schadenfreude I'm too lazy to type it all out, sorry.
Get thee to Pig!