Greetings from the beautiful mountainside of Floyd! This area, with the shops shaped like giant flowers and plants (bonus: some are dangerous varieties), was one of the first parts of Starlust I ever wandered into, so I have a soft spot for the shops in the shadow of the supersized Starlustland sign.
I was excited to discover a Picnic outpost here on the mountain -- that's new since my last visit. Several pieces of Picnic's signature furniture are available in this location, as well as a few items of clothing. I took a break from mountain climbing and did some light reading on the upper level of the little shop.

Further exploration led to the discovery of more fun stuff. A sampling of some of the things I found from these fine Floydian vendors:

Star 1A: Big Hangy Tongue by RC Cluster -- pure awesome, and it's animated!
Star 1B: Purply Plastic Bead Necklace (modded to black) by Chaos Lotus (freebie!)
Star 2: All poses shown are from two generous packs of free poses from VPoses (FM 01-04 and FF 01-04)
Star 3: Lace Gloves by Picnic -- these are sold in an inexpensive pack that includes socks
Star 4: Skelly Tights (available in lots of colors, not just black) by Vermillion
Star 5: Braid Crown by Scribble -- this is a really great idea
If you haven't been on the mountain in a while, head over and take a look. The Picnic outpost is a great place to start! SLurl:
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Floyd/125/160/55See you in Starlust,